Monday, April 4, 2011

Life is Beautiful...Right?

Life is supposed to be beautiful. Right?


Then, why does it have so much yuck mixed in with it? Why is it so unfair? Why do we have so many problems? Etc. etc. etc.


Life is beautiful.


Life is a gift.


Life is something meant to be treasured and cherished.


Prayer journal your thoughts and responses  to the following questions:

~ What have you done today to live as though your life was a gift—meant to be valued, cherished, and treasured?

~ How have you counted your blessings today?

~ What challenges have you turned around for the good today?

~ How have you told those in your life today how they matter in your life?

~ How have you reflected the glory of God in your life today?


~ Stacy Duplease

Remembering Your Present, LLC and pj4life (Prayer Journaling for Life)

Author of Biblical Fiction, Bible Studies, and Devotionals







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